Cabinet of Curiosities: A Brief Glimpse into the Southeast Asian and Oceanic Collections
of the NTU Museum






What comes to mind when you hear the words “the South?” Viewed from the perspective of Taipei, it may mean the southern part of the city, the southern half of the island, or the cultural centers located in Taiwan’s southern reaches. But what do you see if you look beyond Taiwan? If you unfold a world map, you will find that Southeast Asia, with its vast area and rich topography, sits on the same tectonic plate as Taiwan. This area includes the so-called Nanyang, or South Seas, region, where many Han people from Fujian and Guangdong Provinces settled during the Ming and Qing dynasties. It also encompasses the Nusantara archipelago, where many Malay people live. The region forms a significant part of what European merchants and colonizers referred to as the Far East. If you shift your gaze slightly eastwards to focus on the many small isles that dot the western Pacific Ocean, you will find volcanic islands, some formed by the subduction of tectonic plates on the Ring of Fire and others over hot spots in the middle of the plate, and reef islands that had their beginnings at volcanic hot spots. During the Age of Discovery, explorers took supplies from these islands and left behind their names. During the Pacific War, they were fiercely contested; but don’t forget that the islands were stepping stones for the migration and proliferation of Austronesian peoples millennia ago, people whose heritage survives to this day. Past scholars at National Taiwan University and its predecessor, Taihoku Imperial University, studied “the South” for a variety of reasons. Although these individuals came from different backgrounds and carried out their work in different times and disciplines, they are linked by the fact that all of them conducted their research at National Taiwan University. The National Taiwan University Museums’ Southeast Asian and Oceanic collection, on display at this special exhibition, is not a systematic collection, but it nonetheless contains objects that most people are unfamiliar with. It is our hope that visitors to the exhibition will come away with their interest piqued and a desire to explore further. The NTU Museums await your visit.

Since late 2017, the Museums have been celebrating their 10th anniversary by holding a special exhibition of the crown jewels of each of the group’s ten museums. The exhibition showcases the various collections and tells the story of the NTU Museums from a global perspective. The theme selected for the first part was Southeast Asia and Oceania, as their geographic locations are right next to Taiwan and the second-largest share of the museums’ collections comes from Southeast Asia (the largest number of items comes from Taiwan).


本校創立於1928年,在長達90年的悠久歲月中,已經累計數以萬計獨特珍貴的學術標本、文獻史料與文物藏品,並由各系所單位設置不同屬性、規模之博物館進行典藏展示,以支援教學研究所需,同時見證本校發展歷程點滴。 2007年11月15日,臺大博物館群正式啟動,包含了校史館、人類學博物館、地質標本館、物理文物廳、昆蟲標本館、農業陳列館、植物標本館、動物博物館、檔案館以及醫學人文博物館等。


National Taiwan University has accumulated a tremendous wealth of specimens, literatures, and cultural artifacts for near a century since its founding in 1928. These collections, among the finest and most comprehensive in Taiwan, are housed in various departments on campus and have been used for both research and education. The university founded the NTU Museums on November 15, 2007, in the hope of integrating the resources and making it more accessible for the general publics. The NTU Museums currently include the NTU History Gallery, the Museum of Anthropology, the Geo-specimen Cottage, the Heritage Hall of Physics, the Insect Museum, the Agricultural Exhibition Hall, the Herbarium, the Museum of Zoology, the Archives, and the Museum of Medical Humanities.



Design concept

以 “十年一家 (+) 人” 的概念,傳達臺大博物館群在經歷了十年發展後更加凝聚。而每個單位也如同一顆十字螺絲釘,在NTUMS這把螺絲起子的扭轉中,更加穩固的團結在一起。

The concept for the design is “One decade, one family.” The Chinese word for ‘family’ is a homonym for ‘plus,’ represented by the plus sign in the center of the zero. The symbol conveys the increasing cohesiveness of National Taiwan University Museums (NTUMS) over 10 years of development.





Chronology of the Southern Resources Research Institute, Taihoku Imperial University


In the first half of 20th century, Taiwan was the fruit of Japanese southward expansion, and the jump board to further south thereafter. In 1930s, Universities in Japan established researching institutes according to their specialties to comply expanding policy. Taihoku Imperial University set up institutes of tropical medicine (1939), “south humanities” (1943) and “southern resource and science” (1943) to carry on researches of occupied areas. Some collections of NTU Museums were from these institutes.

南洋地圖(植物標本館典藏) 南方資源科學研究所沿革
Chronology of the Southern Resources Research Institute, TIU

馬廷英先生 ── 站在地質學時代前端的科學家
Dr. Ting Ying H. Ma, A Pioneering Geologist

澳洲學者珊瑚專家J. Jell:「馬廷英先生是站在時代前端的科學家,他的理論在當時是不會有很多人了解的。」但是今天在研究古海洋、古氣候、珊瑚化石的生長年層及古大陸板塊漂移的領域裡,卻沒有人不知道馬廷英教授。──錢憲和



馬廷英出生於遼寧金縣,中學畢業後赴日,以第一名畢業於東京高等師範學校,考進東北帝國大學攻讀地質學,於1933年完成博士論文。然而當時日本政府要求馬廷英赴滿洲國科學院就職,始能取得學位,於是指導教授矢部長克(Hisakatsu Yabe)逕將論文送往德國柏林大學,馬廷英於翌年獲得博士,東北帝大隨即跟進。1936年中日關係緊張,馬先生接受丁文江先生之請,秘密返回中國,任職中央研究院地質所,同時擔任中央大學教授。抗戰開始後擔任東北中學校長,帶領學生長途跋涉安抵四川,撤退往大後方期間仍持續上課與研究。二戰結束參與接受臺北帝國大學之工作,出任臺大地質系主任及臺灣海洋研究所所長,長年投身學術研究。馬廷英一生淡泊名利、貢獻卓著,過世後次年獲得蔣經國總統頒令褒揚。




Australian coral specialist J. Jell once commented that “Dr. Ting Ying H. Ma was a scientist ahead of his time. In his day, not many people could understand his theories.” Now, however, in the realms of paleoceanography, paleoclimatology, fossil coral growth rates, and continental drift research, everyone knows Ma’s name.—Xianghe Qian

A retired professor from the Department of Geology at NTU, Ting Ying H. Ma (1899–1979), courtesy name Xuefeng, was the father of writer Liangxuan Ma and grandfather of music critic Shifang Ma.

Ma was born in Jing County, Liaoning Province. After finishing high school, he left China to pursue further education in Japan. Ma graduated first in his class from Tokyo Higher Normal School and tested into Tohoku Imperial University to study geology. When he completed his doctoral dissertation in 1933, the Japanese government insisted that he work at the Institute of Science in Manchuria as a condition for conferring his degree. However, his academic advisor, Professor Hisakatsu Yabe, sent Ma’s dissertation to Berlin University in Germany where Ma received his Ph.D. the following year. Afterwards, Tohoku Imperial University followed suit and also awarded him a diploma. In 1936, relations between China and Japan grew tense. Ma secretly returned to China to work at Academia Sinica’s Institute of Geology while concurrently serving as a professor at Central University. Ma was a high school principal in northeastern China when the Sino-Japanese War (the Chinese sphere of World War II) broke out, and after leading his students on a long journey across the country, he brought them safely to Sichuan, where he continued to teach and do research. After World War II, Ma accepted an invitation to participate in the takeover of Taihoku (Taipei) Imperial University, where he became chair of the Department of Geology and director of the Institute of Oceanography of National Taiwan University. Ma had no interest in the pursuit of wealth and fame. He devoted his life to academic research, and his contributions were extraordinary. A year after he passed away, then President Chiang Chingkuo issued a presidential citation to praise his achievements.

Ma began his study of coral fossils as a PhD student, and for his dissertation wrote a discourse on the relationship between the annual growth rates of corals and sea water temperatures. After leaving Japan, he conducted research on Orchid Island, Hainan Island and in the South Seas. Later, he traveled much farther afield, carrying out research all over the world.

Ma found that coral grows quickly in sea water of higher temperatures but is more porous, and vice versa. He applied this knowledge to estimate seasonal temperature fluctuations in the environment and establish a rough picture of ancient climates. He explained variations in coral growth rates from the same geological time period by the existence of tropical, subtropical, and temperate climates and conducted diachronic comparisons in the paleo-equatorial regions to provide direct proof of Wegener’s continental drift theory. Although Mr. Ma never used the later-accepted theory of plate tectonics to explain the mechanism of continental drift, and the crustal rigid body sliding theory he released in 1953 was modified by later generations as a consequence, his conjecture that crustal motion could lead to the death of large numbers of creatures and the resultant generation of oil and gas was rather close to modern theories of microbes dying and ultimately turning into oil and gas along the edges of plates. It was based on the foundation laid down by Ma that later scholars were able to conclude through comparisons of daily and annual coral growth rates that the Earth’s rotation is slowing down.

Main sources: Xianhe Qian, Mr. Ma Ting Ying, a Pioneering Geologist, Issue 369, Science Development, Sep. 2003

微孔珊瑚 Porites
菊珊瑚 Favites
軸孔珊瑚 Acropora


Colonial Fossil bony coral specimens collected by Mr. Ting Ying H. Ma: The Acropora coral (center) grows the fastest; the Porites coral (right) grow only about 1centimeter per year and are often used in research to reconstruct ancient climates. (Collection of the National Museum of Natural Science)

The Curious Case of the Display Case of the Specimen Room Affiliated
with Taihoku Imperial University’s Institute of Ethnology

(From Display Case to Artifact)

1928年哈佛大學人類學博士移川子之藏先生在臺北帝國大學文政學部擔任講座教授,著手規畫、籌建土俗人種學教室、研究室、實驗室與標本室。本展櫃即為土俗人種學研究室附屬標本室(人類學博物館前身)所使用的展示木櫃,外觀也與現今人類學博物館展示木櫃相似。木櫃上方標有「南洋 Indonesia, Melanesia& Micronesia」、「A11」金屬標牌,南洋 Indonesia, Melanesia& Micronesia (印度尼西亞、美拉尼西亞、密克羅尼西亞)與另一面金屬標牌「海南」,都反映當時臺北帝大響應日本政府南進政策,對於南方人文研究的痕跡。

本展櫃原放置於文學院建築內,並沒有隨著其他展櫃被搬遷至人類學博物館。據原先展櫃內的鋼架五金行成立時間,推測約1980s-1990s 經過改裝,成為文學院刊物展示木櫃。此木櫃於2017年入藏於校史館,由於體積過於龐大,藉由本校實驗林木工師傅於文學院仔細拆解後,僅留下原始木櫃構件,再運至校史館組裝。拆解過程中發現木櫃底座木材印有「大阪中川製材部新宮工場製」,推測展櫃木材有部分是來自於日本大阪的工廠所製造的,也為這座展示木櫃揭露更多身世之謎。木櫃右側底部則有臺北帝國大學財產金屬標籤牌,標示著「文政 Cl. 200/No. 11」,屬於當時文政學部第200財產項目(這種款式展示木櫃)中的第11個。


Harvard University anthropologist Dr. Nenozō Utsurikawa was a lecturer at Taihoku Imperial University’s Faculty of Literature and Politics. In 1928, he served as a founding member of the Institute of Ethnography and Ethnology, where he established classrooms, institutes, a laboratory, and a specimen room for the study of indigenous ethnology. The specimen room (the forerunner of the Museum of Anthropology) had a wooden display cabinet similar to the modern display cases used by anthropology museums for exhibitions. The cabinet had metal plates affixed to the top, one of which read “Nanyang, Indonesia, Melanesia, and Micronesia,” and the other simply “A11.” The “Nanyang, Indonesia, Melanesia & Micronesia” plate, as well as another that read “Hainan,” reflected Taihoku Imperial University’s role in the Japanese government’s Southern Expansion Doctrine and the push to study the culture of those areas.

When the Museum of Anthropology was established, the cabinet was left behind in the College of Liberal Arts. Years later, when the cabinet was rediscovered, it was surmised from the steel frame that covered the original cabinet that it had been repurposed in the 1980s or 1990s as a display case for publications of the College of Liberal Arts. In 2017, the cabinet became part of the collection of the NTU History Gallery. As it was extremely bulky, the components were carefully disassembled on site at the College of Liberal Arts by expert carpenters from the university’s Experimental Forest, and then taken to the NTU History Gallery and reassembled. During the disassembly process, the wooden base of the cabinet was found to bear the inscription “manufactured by Shinmaya Factory, Nakagawa Materials, Osaka,” indicating that, at least in part, the wooden cabinet may have been manufactured by a factory in Osaka, Japan. This discovery also revealed more of the display case’s history. A metal plate found on the bottom right-hand side noted that the case was the property of “Literature and Politics Cl. 200/No. 11, Taihoku Imperial University.” This meant the display case was the property of the Faculty of Literature and Politics and was the eleventh of a series of display cases that collectively made up item number 200.

Specimens from the Hirase Shellfish Museum and One Thousand Species of Shells






Crested Porcupine
(Hystrix cristata)

The Hirase Shellfish Museum was established in the Okazaki district of Kyoto, Japan in 1913. The museum housed over ten thousand shellfish specimens—three thousand Japanese and seven thousand foreign specimens. The specimens were collected from an area spanning Hokkaido in the north down to the main island of Taiwan and then south to Southeast Asia and Oceania. When the museum closed in 1919, the collection was divided among Tokyo Imperial University, Kyoto City, and Taihoku Imperial University.

The Taihoku portion of the collection was kept stored inside a wooden crate tucked away in a corner by Taihoku Imperial University’s Department of Zoology (which later merged with the Department of Botany and the Institute of Fisheries Science to form the present College of Life Science). The specimens lay forgotten for many years, and it was only when a fire burned a hole in the wooden crate that they were rediscovered by Chen Jiun-hong, a zoology student who is now a Professor at the college. It was confirmed following an investigation that these shellfish specimens were indeed the ones from the Hirase Shellfish Museum. The shellfish specimens on display in the exhibition come from Hanoi, Vietnam; Hainan, China; Manila and Mindanao in the Philippines; Java, Indonesia; the Mariana Islands; New Caledonia; Shan State in Myanmar; Vanuatu; and Queensland, Australia.

Hirase Shellfish Museum founder Yoichiro Hirase (December 1859 – May 1925) was a well-known shellfish researcher at the beginning of the 20th century. He and his students collected shell specimens from all over the world and published a shellfish field guide titled One Thousand Species of Shells in 1914. It was given this title because Hirase had pledged to complete drawings of a thousand different kinds of shells. He was unfortunately unable to achieve this goal, but nevertheless ended up producing four hundred drawings in three volumes. The NTU Library has a copy of One Thousand Species of Shells in its special collections. The shells in the hand-drawn illustrations on display at the exhibition came from Southeast Asia, Oceania, and the Daitō Islands.


Plant Research in the Solomon Islands





The Solomon Islands is one of the Republic of China’s diplomatic allies. It is made up of over 990 islands with a total land area of 28,450 square kilometers. Its highest point is Mount Popomanaseu, at 2,400 meters. The Solomons are located between Papua New Guinea and Australia, and are known for their rich diversity of plant life. Most of the research previously carried out in that part of the world was centered on the island of New Guinea, with few researchers going to the Solomon Islands. Initially, American and Australian researchers conducted surveys of natural resources. Later on, Makino Botanical Garden in Japan’s Kōchi Prefecture took charge of the surveys. After some time, former Makino Botanical Garden director and professor Tetsuo Koyama began seeking another organization to take over the work of surveying and classifying the Solomon Islands’ plant resources.

The Solomon Islands have over seven thousand native plant species, but only three thousand have been cataloged, which means that over half of its plants remain unknown to humankind. The island group is believed to have one of the highest percentages of unknown plant species in the world. As such, it offers great potential for the discovery of new species. Although many renowned botanical gardens have expressed an interest in the plants of this region, Koyama handed the work over to a team from Taiwan. His decision was based on the close connection he had with Taiwan from the time he spent serving as one of the editorial committee members for the first edition of Flora of Taiwan in the 1970s together with the fact that his wife was Taiwanese.

The Census and Classification of Plant Resources in the Solomon Islands project was launched in May 2012 after professor and former National Museum of Science (now National Museum of Natural Science) director Li Chia-wei and Dr. Aleck Yang came on board. The governments of the two countries signed an agreement, with the biggest behind-the-scenes supporters being the Council of Agriculture’s Taiwan Forestry Research Institute and the National Museum of Natural Science. The executive agency was the International Cooperation and Development Fund. Many organizations and individuals participated in this project, one of whom was NTU’s own Institute of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology associate professor Hu Jer-ming.

Plant Specimens from Hainan Island



In February 1939, the Japanese invaded and occupied Hainan Island, and between 1940 and 1942, Taihoku (Taipei) Imperial University organized two teams to conduct cross-disciplinary scientific surveys in this new territory of the Japanese Empire. The teams consisted mainly of faculty members in the College of Science and Agriculture, particularly from the Departments of Biology, Agriculture, and Geology. Later, the team was expanded to include anthropological and economic experts. The first trip focused on general scientific research and the collection of specimens, and the team was composed of a large number of teaching assistants led by professors from some of the more important and basic fields of science. Over ten thousand specimens from Hainan Island were collected during that initial trip, and these are still kept in the Herbarium of National Taiwan University. The botanists who studied Hainan Island included Professors Emeriti Hibino Nobuichi and Genkei Masamune, Assistant Professor Yamamoto Yoshimatsu, and assistants Yoshikawa Ryo and Fukuyama Noriaki. To this day, the cataloguing and classification of the Hainan Island specimens, a job which must be done painstakingly and by hand, has still not been completed.

臺北帝國大學第一回海南島學術調查團報告 第一班(生物學班)

Reports from the First Hainan Island Academic Investigation Team of Taihoku (Taipei) Imperial University, First Class (Biology Class)
(Provided by the Special Collections Division, NTU Library)

Leech Lime Specimen
Citrus hyalopulpa Tanaka

瓶內收藏的是一種產於中國海南島的石碌柑,1941年臺北帝大園藝學講座教授田中長三郎在柑橘研究(Studia Citrologica) 中將其發表為蜜柑的新栽培種。在1977年田中長三郎弟子所發表整理柑橘類植物學名整理出的162種(含栽培種)名錄中,本栽培種由於存證標本不明去向,未能比對,而被列入栽培種中不確定的種類。 田中長三郎是當時世界柑橘研究權威,在森林環境暨資源學系植物標本館(NTUF)近三萬份田中標本館藏品中,即有數千份的柑橘類標本,可見其豐富的柑橘標本收藏,這些標本也有助於釐清田中長三郎柑橘研究的歷程。

在1939年2月日本佔領海南島以前,田中長三郎教授即對海南島的學術探險密切注意,他透過廣東領南大學博物調查主任F.A McClure及中山大學陳煥鏞處,購得不少海南島植物標本,目前田中教授購得的海南島標本主要典藏於NTUF。

The specimen in the bottle is a type of leech lime grown in Hainan Island, China. It was first mentioned in 1941, when Professor Emeritus Tanaka Tyozaburo of the Department of Horticulture of Taihoku (Taipei) Imperial University announced in his Studia Citrologica the discovery of a new mandarin orange cultivar. However, when a list of scientific names of 162 types of citrus fruit (cultivars included) was compiled and released by the students of Tanaka Tyozaburo in 1977, this species was not included, because the specimen was missing. No match could be made and it had to be listed as an unknown cultivated species.

Tanaka Tyozaburo was the leading scientist of his day in global citrus research Among the nearly thirty thousand specimens in the Tanaka Specimen Collection at the Herbarium of the NTU School of Forestry and Resource Conservation (NTUF) are thousands of citrus specimens. The size of the collection is extraordinary, and these specimens can help shed light on the process of Tyozaburo’s citrus research. Even before Japan occupied Hainan Island in February, 1939, Tyozaburo was attending closely to the results of academic explorations there. He had already purchased a considerable quantity of plant specimens from the island from Investigative Director F. A. McClure of Lingnan University Museum and Chen Huanyong of Sun Yat-Sen University in Guangdong Province. Today, most of those specimens are catalogued and stored at NTUF.

Pandanus koizumii Hosokawa

這份標本是由細川隆英於1934年在北馬里亞那群島中的天寧島採集命名的露兜樹科植物。這份標本左下方所標識的兩個學名都不是正式發表的學名。細川隆英在1943年將這份標本鑑定認為是新種,並於植物分類.地理期刊中,正式發表了小泉氏露兜樹這個名字,並且正式引用了這份採集號7805號的標本。學名中的種名小泉氏(koizumii)則是為了紀念日本植物分類學會的創始人,小泉源一(Genichi Koidzumi)教授而命名,他也是日本人最早在密克羅尼西亞採集的學者之一。




加若林露兜樹Pandanus carolinensis Martelli
本標本(Hosokawa 9000)由細川隆英於1937年7月採於亞浦(Yap)島,是太平洋眾多露兜樹屬植物之一,細川教授採得十數種露兜樹種類,均藏於臺大植物標本館。

This specimen was collected on Tinian Island in the Northern Mariana Islands and named by Takahide Hosokawa in 1934. Neither of the two scientific names at the bottom left of the label is the official scientific name. In 1943, Hosokawa identified the plant as a new species and used this specimen—No. 7805—to announce the scientific designation Pandanus Koizumii in the Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Geography. The species name Koizumii was chosen in memory of Professor Koidzumi, the founder of the Japanese Society for Plant Systematics. He was also one of the first Japanese scholars to collect specimens in Micronesia.

Supplementary Explanation
Tinian Island is a Pacific island long occupied by Japan. Japanese immigrants were already tilling the land there in 1914. Before the end of the Pacific War, the theater of World War II that was fought in the Pacific and Asia., Japan sent many scholars to Tinian to conduct surveys of the island’s resources. Whenever Japan occupied a new place, the government would dispatch zoologists, botanists, geologists, and anthropologists to conduct field studies. After Taihoku (Taipei) Imperial University was founded, Hosokawa was put in charge of plant investigation in the Micronesian archipelago, and Tinian Island was one of the locations where he began to collect specimens.


The Story of Takahide Hosokawa’s Specimens


偶然間,現任TAI館長的胡哲明教授,意外發現了這段有趣的歷史,想要了解這批飄洋過海到日本的複份標本下落,因此請九州大學的三島美佐子老師協尋,但竟然找無!三千多份的標本怎可能憑空消失?連帶細川在九州大學採集的標本也不見了。即使後來,胡老師帶著相關歷史文件親赴九州大學拜訪,依然沒有獲得答案,但他鍥而不捨,透過在日本植物學界的人脈,輾轉詢問日本其他標本館。結果,東京大學標本館館長邑田仁老師推測,這批細川標本可能去了東京上野的國立科學博物館,而科博館的植物標本主要放置在其筑波植物園的標本館。邑田仁老師以前的學生田中伸幸博士剛好在那工作,結果一找,果真找到了細川標本。 總算,皇天不負苦心人,當年臺大提供細川的複份標本就在筑波。而留在TAI的細川標本,則由胡哲明老師指導的學生鄭怡如,完善地整理並以此為主題完成了碩士論文《臺北帝大時期太平洋島嶼的植物資源調查》。

左上:加羅林苦果(茜草科)Amaracarpus carolinensis Vol.

右上:五梨跤(紅樹科)Rhizophora mucronata Lam.

左下:內山絨蘭(蘭科)Eria uchiyamae Tuyama

右下:金平氏饅頭果(油柑科)Glochidion kanehirae Hosok.



The Herbarium of National Taiwan University (TAI) houses many important items collected during the Japanese colonial period, when NTU was known as Taihoku Imperial University, including one lot of 4,770 specimens from Micronesia. Takahide Hosokawa was responsible for collecting 90% of that lot. Hosokawa’s family immigrated to Taiwan from Japan when he was a child. He graduated with a degree in biology from Taihoku Imperial University in 1932, and remained at the school after graduation to work in the field of botany. Between 1933 and 1941, he traveled many times to Micronesia to survey plants and collect specimens. In 1946, he was repatriated to Japan following the conclusion of World War II. As there were restrictions on the amount of luggage he was allowed to take with him, he left nearly all of his specimens behind at National Taiwan University. Hosokawa then became a professor at Kyushu University. In 1952, he asked NTU to send him the duplicate specimens of the collection he had left behind. The university consented to his request, and accordingly sent him 3,050 duplicate specimens.

Professor and current TAI director Hu Jer-ming discovered this interesting history by chance. He was curious about the fate of the duplicate specimens that crossed the ocean to Japan and asked Kyushu University Museum associate professor Misako Mishima to join his search. Unfortunately, they had no luck in locating the specimens. How could three thousand specimens just disappear without a trace? Even the specimens that Hosokawa collected while teaching at Kyushu University could not be found. Later on, Hu personally traveled to Japan and visited Kyushu University with the relevant documents, but the answer continued to elude him. Far from being discouraged, he used his contacts in Japan’s botany circles to make inquiries with Japanese herbariums. Dr. Jin Murata, director of the Herbarium of Tokyo University, surmised that this collection might have ended up at the National Museum of Nature and Science in Tokyo’s Ueno district. The museum stored the bulk of its plant specimens at the herbarium in the Tsubaka Botanical Garden. At the time, Murata’s former student Dr. Nobuyuki Tanaka happened to be working there. He conducted a search, and found Hosokawa’s specimens.

At last, Hu had the answer to his question. The duplicate specimens that National Taiwan University had sent to Hosokawa were in Tsubaka. Meanwhile, Hu’s graduate student Chen Yi-ru sorted the specimens Hosokawa had left behind at TAI. They became the subject of her master’s degree thesis, Plant exploration in the Pacific Islands during the Taihoku Imperial University period (1928-1945), based on herbarium data.





Medicine and Pharmacy Stamps


(NTU Museum of Medical Humanities’ collection)

耶爾森紀念郵票 Yersin Memorial Stamp(1943)
這是法屬印度支那(現今之越南、柬埔寨、寮國)在1943年發行的郵票,紀念該年逝世的細菌學家耶爾森(Alexandre Yersin)。1894年耶爾森在香港發現了導致鼠疫的鼠疫桿菌,後來定居越南芽莊,參與創建河內醫學院。

This stamp was issued by French Indochina (nowadays Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos) in 1943 in memory of bacteriologist Alexandre Yersin who passed away in that year. He discovered the pathogen of bubonic plague which was named Yersinia pestis in his honor. He later settled down in Vietnam and contributed to the founding of Hanoi Medical University.


R/V Ocean Researcher I




The R/V Ocean Researcher I, with overall length 50 m and gross tonnage 794 GRT, was commissioned by the National Science Council (now the Ministry of Science and Technology) of Taiwan, R.O.C. to be built by the A/S Mjellen and Karlson shipyard, Norway in 1984. The Ocean Researcher I arrived at Kaohsiung, Taiwan on 24 January 1985 and was immediately transferred to the National Taiwan University (NTU) for the management and operation under the Institute of Oceanography, NTU. The Ocean Researcher I was primarily designated to the education and training in oceanography, the research in multidisciplinary marine sciences, and the investigation of marine resources. The equipment and instruments aboard Ocean Researcher I consist of advanced satellite navigation system, shipboard acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP), conductivity-temperature-depth sensor (CTD), rosette water sampler, single beam echo sounder, multi- channel seismic reflection system (air guns and sparkers), gravimeter, magnetometer, chirp sub-bottom profiler, hydrographic winch, deep-sea winch, various types of core sampler, and plankton nets. In addition to the fundamental oceanographic research, the OR-I also support research in various disciplines, which brought scientists further to the South China Sea and the sea around the Southeast Asia and Oceania for various type of investigation and sampling over the past 32 years.

Taiwan Nephrite Jade




  左:臺灣玉首飾 Nephrite jewelry

右:臺灣玉 Nephrite
單斜晶系 Monoclinic
臺灣花蓮 Hualien, Taiwan

Taiwan jade is also known as Fengtian jade, and is classified as nephrite. It is primarily found in the mountains of Fengtian Village in Hualien’s Shoufeng Township. Taiwan jade has a hardness of 6.5 on the Mohs scale, putting it at the upper end of the hardness scale for nephrite, which varies from 5.5 to 7 (jadeite has a Mohs hardness of 6.5 to 7). It is tougher and harder than other rocks and minerals formed at the same time, such as schist, marble, or serpentine. As such, it could be used to make very durable tools for chopping or crushing.

Taiwan’s prehistoric populations used Taiwan nephrite jade to make implements and ornaments possibly from 1000 to as much as 5500 years ago. Jade has been excavated from sites belonging to several different prehistoric cultures. These sites are primarily distributed on the east side of Taiwan’s eastern coastal mountain range. However, fragments have also been unearthed across Taiwan and on the outlying islands of Penghu, Green Island, and Orchid Island. Neither Taiwan’s tall mountains nor the oceans that surround it were able to obstruct prehistoric demand for Taiwan jade.

During the prehistoric era, Taiwan jade was in high demand not only in Taiwan, but all across Southeast Asia. Jade artifacts from Taiwan possibly dating from 2100 to as much as 4000 years ago have been found on the islands of Luzon and Palawan in the Philippines; in Borneo; from central to southern Vietnam; in southern Cambodia; and in southern Thailand. These discoveries show that prehistoric man viewed oceans not as barriers, but as roads. Moreover, there is a high degree of correlation between historic sites where Taiwan jade has been found and the distribution of Austronesian languages, which suggests that the circulation of Taiwan jade throughout Southeast Asia may have been related to the proliferation and spread of the Austronesian language family.

Bark Cloth

樹皮布是一種無紡布(或稱不織布),是以植物樹皮為原料,經過拍打技術加工製成的布料。樹皮布分布的地理區域十分廣闊,非洲西部、東南亞、太平洋諸島,以及中南美洲等地都是分布範圍;太平洋仍有部分島嶼至今仍擁有精湛的樹皮布製作工藝,例如,薩摩亞、東加、夏威夷、斐濟等地。 臺大人類學博物館典藏的樹皮布,來自巴布亞、薩摩亞、斐濟等地。

最常被拿來做樹皮布的樹種就屬桑科,譬如,構樹、桑樹、雀榕等等。印尼與太平洋島嶼仍在製作樹皮布的族群都屬於南島語族(Austronesian-speaking peoples),樹皮布為其重要文化必需品,他們主要以「構樹」(Paper Mulberry、學名Broussonetia papyrifera)作為樹皮布原料。

構樹是一種雌雄異株的桑科植物,在臺灣隨處可見。臺灣構樹都是結種子再生,但是太平洋島嶼的構樹只有一種性別,無法自然繁衍,必須由人類切取其根部阡插種植,因此可以人類學家Matisoo-Smith建立的「共生模式」(Commensal Model)概念來探索構樹傳播與南島語族播遷的關係。



 Tapa making in Fiji and Samoa, in 2014 (6’36”).
 Taken and Copyright by Yi-Hsuan Li

樹皮布Bark Cloth
長178 寬68公分


Bark cloth is a type of non-woven fabric (or non-woven cloth) made by beating tree bark into sheets. Bark cloth can be found over an extensive geographic area that includes West Africa, Southeast Asia, the Pacific islands, and Central and South America. On some Pacific islands, such as Samoa, Tonga, Hawaii, and Fiji, remarkable bark cloth production skills still exist today. The bark cloth belonging to the NTU Museum of Anthropology collection comes from Papua New Guinea, Samoa, and Fiji. Bark from trees of the family Moraceae, which includes the paper mulberry, mulberry, and large-leaf banyan, is the most commonly used material for bark cloth production. The Indonesian and Pacific Islander groups that still make bark cloth today are all Austronesian-speaking peoples. For them, bark cloth is an important cultural necessity. The paper mulberry (scientific name Broussonetia papyrifera) is the principal source of bark cloth production. Paper mulberry is a dioecious plant of the family Moraceae which can be seen everywhere in Taiwan. Taiwanese paper mulberry trees seed to produce saplings, but the paper mulberry trees of the Pacific islands are all the same gender and are thus unable to reproduce naturally. People there use cuttings from the root to grow new trees. For this reason, the commensal model developed by Matisoo-Smith is useful in studying the relationship between the spread of the paper mulberry and the migration of Austronesian-speaking peoples. Scientists have concluded that the great majority of paper mulberry trees on the Pacific islands carry the cp-17 chloroplast gene haplotype. It has been proven that this haplotype originated in Taiwan, indicating that Taiwan is the ancestral home of the paper mulberries of the Pacific islands. The paths of spread of paper mulberry trees in the Pacific correspond to the migration of Austronesian-speaking peoples and provide evidence for the out-of-Taiwan hypothesis.

Oceania Collection



木雕男性人偶 (高30.6 寬8.3公分) 帛琉群島
木雕女性人偶 (高22.2 寬6.3公分) 帛琉群島
木雕男性人偶 (長35.3 寬8.4公分) 西巴布亞
木雕男性人偶 (長34.7 寬7.4公分) 西巴布亞
木雕女性人偶 (長29.1 寬8.4公分) 西巴布亞
木製手鼓 (長59.3 徑11公分) 西巴布亞

長38.5 寬19.7公分 高36.5

本艇長49.8 高10.5 / 木架長32 寬20.7 /

木艇長51.7 寬5.1 高4.6公分 /
架長24.2 寬16.5公分

長152 寬138.5

長42 寬32


There are more than 25,000 small islands scattered across the vast Pacific Ocean. About 40,000 years ago, Australoid populations began migrating and dispersing across these islands. Around 5,500 years ago, Austronesian-speaking Mongoloid populations began their own migration. The NTU Museum of Anthropology’s Oceania Collection is now on display. Everyone is welcome to visit the collection. (Collection of the Museum of Anthropology)

The study of other peoples is an issue of ethics.
Do we go and study other people
simply to satisfy our curiosity,
or because we want to come to a deeper understanding?
People can only communicate freely with each other
when they understand one another properly.
We must learn and understand
in order to communicate.
In this process of studying and learning,
we must avoid paternalism and imperialist attitudes.

Palauan Storyboards


古老的傳統上,帛琉木刻技術是用於男子會所(Bai),將神話傳說以及村落歷史彩繪雕刻於會所。一戰期間日本佔領帛琉,殖民政府禁止會所的集會功能;二戰期間民俗學者兼雕刻家土方久功(Hisakatsu Hijikata)至帛琉學校教導雕刻,憂心會所的彩繪雕刻文化將會流失,於是教導學生轉刻在小型木板上。這在當時已然成為文化商品,被日本海軍當作禮品,並展示於南洋地區博覽會。二戰後,美國託管政府繼續創造故事板市場、後由帛琉國家力量維持故事板製作,故事板因而成為帛琉獨特的文創商品。




左:長50.7 寬13.5 厚1.1公分

右上:長57.4 寬5 厚1公分

右下:長48.5 寬12 厚1.6公分


Palauan storyboards are long, thin, wooden boards that are carved and painted in black, brown, and white or left unpainted; affixed with ropes; and hung as wall decorations. They originated in the 20th century.

However, the Palauan tradition of woodcarving goes back much farther than that. Woodcarvings depicting legends and events from village history adorned the Bai, or traditional Palauan men’s clubhouses. During World War I, Japan occupied Palau and its colonial government prohibited Palauans from meeting at these clubhouses. Later, in World War II, cultural anthropologist and sculptor Hisakatsu Hijikata arrived in Palau and began teaching woodcarving at a school. He feared the disappearance of the Bai woodcarving and painting tradition, and therefore instructed his students to carve on small wooden boards instead. These storyboards became cultural commodities, and the Japanese Navy even regarded them as gifts. They were also displayed at expositions. After World War II, the United States took over the administration of Palau and storyboard production continued. Palau has since also worked hard to maintain their production. Nowadays, storyboards are one of Palau’s unique cultural and creative wares.

Modern storyboards come in many different forms. Some are left unpainted after carving, while others are both carved and painted. They can be low relief or high relief, or incorporate three-dimensional realism using multiple perspectives and depths of field. The boards themselves might be square or come in the shapes of animals such as sharks, crocodiles, tortoises, or stingrays.

NTU’s Museum of Anthropology has three early Palauan storyboards. They were carved by Sbal, and are among the first storyboards produced by him. A high-ranking Japanese naval officer presented them as a gift to Taihoku Imperial University’s Department of Anthropology.

Carbon-14 Dating Instrument

碳14是碳元素的同位素之一,具有放射性,半衰期大約是5,730年。生物體會經由光合作用或攝取食物等方式取得碳14,但在生物體死後,不再與外界環境交流碳14,體內的碳14就會持續性地衰變、減少。1947年,美國化學家W. F. Libby利用這種現象,發明了「碳14定年」的技術,藉由測定生物遺骸殘存的碳14放射衰變數量,就可推測生物體大約在多久之前死亡。


這套系統對於1960年代臺灣的地質學、人類學、考古學等領域,貢獻卓著,包括來自馬來西亞怡保 (Ipoh) 霹靂 (Perak) 的漂流木,其定年數據均出自核物理實驗室之手。

Carbon-14 is a radioactive isotope of carbon with a half-life of 5,730 years. Living organisms absorb carbon-14 through photosynthesis or consuming food. At the moment of death, organisms cease to exchange carbon-14 with the environment, and the amount of carbon-14 inside begins to decay and decrease. In 1947, American chemist W. F. Libby made use of this fact and developed the carbon-14 dating technique to estimate the time of death of different organisms by determining the amount of carbon-14 remaining in the organisms.

In the early 1960s, Professor Yuin-Chi Hsu, feeling the need for the Nuclear Physics Laboratory to extend its research fields and explore relevant applications of nuclear physics, decided to develop carbon-14 dating techniques, which are closely related to radioactive elements. Based on existing counters and the vacuum techniques learned while operating linear particle accelerators, and with the help of the Department of Physics’ technicians, who built the hand-made copper alloy counter tubes, the first carbon-14 dating system in Taiwan was successfully developed.

This system made a significant contribution to studies of geology, anthropology, and archaeology in Taiwan during the 1960s. The dating data such as the Driftwood found at Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia was collected by the Nuclear Physics Laboratory.

Insect Specimens



這次展覽所展示的昆蟲標本,是昆蟲學系系友羅四維捐贈給昆蟲標本館的昆蟲標本。羅先生為馬來西亞僑生,多年前回家鄉時與友人在家鄉馬來西亞以及鄰國泰國採集昆蟲並製成這些標本。這些標本主要採集年代為 1993年一月及 1998 年八月,產地主要為馬來西亞金馬倫高原 (Cameron Highland)、馬來西亞彭亨州 (Pahan) 的班達爾穆阿紮姆沙鎮 (Bandar Muadzam Shah)及泰國清邁 (Chiang Mai)。由於早期金馬倫高原開發甚少,因此有豐富的生態系,這次外形特別的昆蟲標本如提琴步行蟲、葉䗛、竹節蟲、吉丁蟲、鍬形蟲、蠟蟬皆是出產自這裡。



Insect specimen is important tool in entomology, and provide entomologist with a comparative standard on insect morphology, new species discovery, insect taxonomy, pest detection, and more. Therefore, skill in collection and making of insect specimen is basely and important class for students of entomology department. At present, two required subject “Fundamental Entomology” and “Insect Taxonomy” demand each student must collect and make a certain number of specimens in order to complete the course and receive credits.

These insect specimens in addition to be used for training students’ skill of collection and making of insect specimens, also the source of increased collections for NTU insect museum, and used for teaching and research of students.

These insect specimens are donated by Shi-Wui Loh (alumnus of NTU entomology department) to NTU insect museum. Mr. Loh was Malaysian overseas Chinese student in NTU. When he returned home many years ago, he and his friends collected and made these insect specimens were from his hometown and Thailand. These insect specimens were collected mainly in January 1993 and August 1998, its place of origin were Cameron Highland in Malaysia, Bandar Muadzam Shah in Pahan, Malaysia and Chiang Mai, Thailand. As the early Cameron Highland developed very little, so had high abundance ecosystem. These insect specimen have special appearance such as violin beetle, walking leaf, stick insect, jewel beetle, stag beetle, and planthopper all came from Cameron Highland in Malaysia.

Amber Specimens

這次展示的琥珀標本產自緬甸克欽邦 (Kachin State),年代約略為9000萬至1億年前,其中包埋一些昆蟲、蜘蛛以及植物。這批標本由昆蟲學系系友施圓通先生捐贈給臺大博物館群,施先生並額外出借一些琥珀標本作為展示。透過這些琥珀標本,可以做短暫的時空旅行一窺數千萬年前生物的樣貌。

Extracting dinosaurs’ blood from ancient mosquito’s gut in amber fossil, and purified DNA to clone dinosaurs is famous scene in classic Sci-Fi movie “Jurassic Park”. Amber is a fossil resin which from underground Pinus plants’ resin be transformed by chemical reaction. Recently, because there have some remains of ancient creature in amber, it can be materials help us to study ancient biology.

These amber specimens produced from Kachin State, Myanmar, about 90 to 100 million years ago, with ancient insects, spiders, or plants embedded in it. These specimens are donated from Yuan-Tung Shih (alumnus of NTU entomology department) to NTU museums, and Mr. Shih also loaned additional amber for exhibition. We could do briefly time travel and see image of ancient creature from 10 million years ago by these amber specimens.

Myanmar ruby painting- National Taiwan University alumni association of Myanmar memento


‧傅鐘: 台大精神象徵,時時提醒著台大人要沈思,代表著自由民主、改革開放的校園文化。
‧杜鵑: 用來緬懷母校台大,使校友懷念穿梭在開滿杜鵑花的道路上的時光、回憶當年與同鄉們坐在杜鵑花叢傍互述思鄉之苦的夜晚。
‧紅寶石: 聞名世界的緬甸紅寶石,代表著活力、熱情的緬甸僑生們對母校永恆不變的愛。
‧翡翠: 緬甸特有珍寶,代表著不畏懼艱難的緬甸僑生們堅定的意志力。

畫作中每粒彩寶都產自緬甸世界聞名的抹谷(Mogok)產區,校友寸守應(B87校友) 特地聘請中緬邊境瑞麗的名師巧匠製作,先不論其價值的昂貴和選材精細,連其運送過程的坎坷也是言有未盡。2016年底緬甸內戰未平,導致滇緬公路被封,不得已只能將畫作由腳伕人力運輸由八莫繞道送往仰光,但是畫送出去三天就失聯。寸守應和陳忠琪兩位校友只得親自跟著繞道八莫循著路線追回,終於趕在12月3日典禮當天將畫交到副校長手中。校友們衷心祝願母校永鑄輝煌,校運昌隆。

When the National Taiwan University Alumni Association of Myanmar (NTUAAM) was established on December 3rd, 2016, Mr. Yun-Tai Liao, president of the NTUAAM, sent this painting to NTU as a memento. This gem painting used Myanmar ruby and jadeite as its materials, and Fu Bell and azalea as its composition.

‧Fu Bell: it is a symbol of NTU spirit that always reminds NTU people to contemplate, representing the campus culture of freedom, democracy as well as reform and opening up.
‧Azalea: it lets NTU alumni cherish the memory of passing through the roads with azalea in full blossom and remember the nights sitting beside azalea bushes talking about homesickness with friends from the same country.
‧Ruby: the world famous Myanmar ruby stands for the eternal love to NTU from the energetic and passionate Myanmar alumni.
‧Jadeite: this special piece of Myanmar treasure is symbolic of the strong will of Myanmar overseas Chinese students, who have no fear toward any challenges or difficulties.

Each of the gems was produced from Mogok, Myanmar. Mr. Shou-Ying Tsun (B87 grade alumni) hired craftsmen from Ruili City (a China city beside Myanmar) to make them. The price of this painting was extremely high and its materials were exquisite, but its transporting process was quite hard with many stories to tell. At the end of 2016, the civil war still continued in Myanmar, which led to the Burma Road (through China and Myanmar) being blocked. In order to pass through Bhamo (a small city of Myanmar) to Yangon (the main city of Myanmar), the painting could only be sent via human transport. However, the transporter lost the connection after 3 days. Mr. Shou-Ying Tsun and Chung-Chi Chen had no choice but to trace back the original route on their own to find this painting back and send it to Yangon before December 3rd, the day of the establishing ceremony of the NTUAAM. NTUAAM sincerely wish that NTU will thrive and prosper.

NTU Agricultural Exhibition Hall, A national focal point during the agricultural era in Taiwan


The Agricultural Exhibition Hall was established on Apr. 29, 1964 as a showcase for the agricultural development in Taiwan and the process and achievements of reformation. In the past, it was a window in Taiwan’s promotion of Agricultural diplomacy for many years and a place where foreign guests would visit. The old photos in the frames seem to freeze space and time in the 1960s, recording the footprints of dignitaries from Southeast Asia in Taiwan. One of them shows NTU President Chien Shihliang and his wife receiving the then president of the Philippines Macapagal and his wife.



Goanna是澳洲的巨蜥屬(Varunus)物種的統稱。雖然稱做巨蜥,其實不同種間的體型差異很大,從逾2.5公尺的眼斑巨蜥到僅約20公分的短尾巨蜥都有。其習性也像澳洲的環境一般多樣,例如分佈在灌木草原帶的砂巨蜥,或是生活在水邊汀渚紅樹林中的紅樹巨蜥。巨蜥在澳洲原住民的圖騰和傳說中有一席之地,也是原住民的食物來源。 這件木雕作品是多年前學校收到的紀念品,輾轉移至校史館典藏。校史館收到這件校禮時,不知道是哪種動物的雕件,只因為造型優美逗趣故予以展示,期待有朝一日能獲得解答。2017年3月間,香港大學校長Dr. Peter Mathieson夫婦來校訪問,校長夫人給了答案,這件藝術品是澳洲巨蜥。


Goanna is the general term of species of genus Varanus (monitor lizard) in Australia. Not all goannas are large in size, and can vary from perentie that can grow over 2.5 m, to short-tailed monitor that reach only 20 cm in length. Their habitats are as various as the environment of Australia, such as sand goanna in woodland and grassland areas, and mangrove monitor, as what its name says, lives in mangroves near water. Goannas have an important place in indigenous Australians’ culture, like totems and tales, and a source of food.
(NTU History Gallery’s collection)

1937/West cost of Palau Island/provided by the NTU Museum of Zoology




Dugongs are commonly referred to as manatees or mermaids, but in fact they are a separate species belonging to the order Sirenia, like manatees. Dugongs are large aquatic mammals with a mild temperament and loveable appearance. Seaweed and other aquatic plants make up their main dietary staples. Dugongs breathe with their lungs and need to come to the surface of the water regularly for air.

This dugong was accidentally caught and drowned in the fishing net of an Okinawan fisherman named Miyagi on Feb. 26, 1937. Motoda Shigeru, who was working as a researcher at the Palau Tropical Biological Research Institute at the time, heard about the incident and bought the dugong, removed the skin and bones with the help of his colleagues Abe Tokiharu and Yamauchi Yoshihiko. They preserved the dugong with salt and sent it on the first boat available to Taihoku (Taipei) Imperial University where Professor Hirasaka Kyosuke dissected it and made it into a taxidermy specimen. Later, in the 14th Year of the Showa Emperor’s Reign, Professor Hirasaka published a record of the event under the title of “Palau Dugong” in Southeast Asian Science (Issue. 2, Volume 2).


Exploration on the Migration of Austronesian Peoples


電影“海洋奇緣”的預告片中(1.1)展示了南島語族遷徙的過程,藉由雙體帆船(2.1 , 2.2),以及先祖的智慧與經驗(手勢、星星、鳥、雲、波浪)來判斷下一個遙遠島嶼的位置,找到島嶼後便落地生根,直到人口飽和後年輕人又揚帆往下一個島嶼前進。

而後了解Steven Callahan的海上漂流故事(4.1 , 4.2),並驗證這教案所設計的帆船長程航行模擬程式(4.3)可信度,程式可調整參數包括:風帆高度、張帆的極限風速以及每日張帆航行時數。 最後藉由程式來模擬南島語族的海上帆船遷徙情境(2.2),這階段需要先有南島語族遷徙方向的歷史認知(1.3)以及太平洋海面風向風速與洋流(3.1)的季節變化型態,然後藉由地圖上的滑鼠選擇任意兩地點來模擬海上航行遷徙路徑的可能性高低;比如從斐濟(Fiji)航行到大溪地(Tahiti),在哪一年哪一天出發?隨風無目的航行或是有知識傳承下的方向性航行?最後模擬獲得航行軌跡以及所需天數。

(團隊 / 李壹維、林博雄、許瑛玿、陳鑫澔、萬義昞)


This exhibition area, “Exploration on the Migration of Austronesian peoples,” is a modified version from one of the “inquiry-based learning” lessons for senior high school students. This lesson was designed by experts, science educators, high school teachers, graduate students and research assistants from National Taiwan University, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei Municipal LiShan High School and Academia Sinica. Originally, it spans for about three hours and aims to inspire students to think profoundly and answer questions via video-watching, material-reading and climate-data-exploration. After modifying the lesson, it is open to the public and exhibited in NTU Museums.

Trailer of Moana (1.1) showcases the migration of Austronesian peoples. With the help of canoe (2.1, 2.2) plus the wisdom and experience of the ancestors (e.g., gestures, astronomy, birds, clouds, waves), they are able to locate the next remote island to settle. When the population of that island is saturated, young people would sail to the next island again.

Steven Callahan’s drifting story and the sailing simulation program which includes several parameters such as the height of the sailing, the wind speed limitation for sailing, and the daily sailing hours are introduced for users to test the credibility of the program based on Steven’s story (4.3)

Finally, the user could simulate the scenarios of canoe sailing of Austronesian peoples (2.2) using the sailing simulation program. In order to run this program, it is suggested to read (1.3) session to get the migration history of the ancient Austronesian peoples. Through (3,1) you can pick up the seasonal pattern of surface wind and current situation over Pacific Ocean. Please use the mouse to click two locations on the map (for example, from Fuji to Tahiti), then choose the year/date for departure, and what types of sailing (sail following wind/current flow or turning the sail by wisdom knowledge for destination). Then, the program shows you the sail pathway and the number of the sailing days.
(Team / Shin-Hau Chen, Ying-Shao Hsu, Yi-Wei Li, Po-Hsiung Lin, Yi-Bing Wan)

The Rise of Southeast Asian Trade Ceramics of the Fifteenth Century

東南亞的貿易陶瓷在十五至十六世紀曾躋身世界舞台,在中國明代海禁時期打破一直以來由中國貿易瓷所獨霸的市場。其中又以泰國青瓷及越南青花瓷數量為最,舉凡西亞波斯灣沿岸、南亞印度洋地區、島嶼東南亞及日本,皆有它們的痕跡。此次展出藝術史研究所資料室典藏的兩組泰國窯址陶瓷標本,用以呈現東南亞貿易瓷崛起的一個側面。十五世紀泰國的高溫陶瓷產業,集中在今日泰國中部的Sukhothai(圖一)、Si Satchanalai(圖二)(兩窯的作品皆曾外銷),以及北部的Kalong、Sankampaeng等地。

第一組青瓷大盤,此器的胎釉特點,接近Si Satchanalai窯址群,該窯是泰國最重要的外銷青瓷產區。器身兩側高度不一、稍有變形,極可能是來自窯址的淘汰品。該器圓口折沿,胎土緻密,圈足內可見黑色圈狀的墊燒痕跡。盤心及內壁分別刻畫花卉與蓮瓣紋飾,除圈足外全器施罩青瓷釉,從器形、裝飾結構及母題,都顯見與當時風靡世界的中國龍泉窯青瓷關係密切(圖三)。然泰國青瓷釉色較為透亮,刻紋清晰易見,陶工亦善用此特點,發展出獨具特色的作品。十五世紀前半泰國海域Ko Khram沈船,出水不少類似的青瓷盤(圖四),因而可知藝史所典藏的此件青瓷盤,屬十五世紀的作品。


青瓷劃花折沿盤 泰國
Celadon dish with incised floral design,
Thailand, Si Satchanalai

長10.5 寬8.7 高4.6 (公分)
口徑30.5-31公分 高8-10公分

Kalong 窯址鐵繪標本
Ironed-decorated ceramic shards from Kalong Kiln

Si Satchanalai 窯址青瓷標本
Celadon ceramic shards
from Si Satchanalai

長10.5 寬8.7 高4.6 (公分)
口徑30.5-31公分 高8-10公分


Southeast Asian trade ceramics ascended onto the world stage between the 15th and the 16th c. by breaking through the longstanding market monopoly held by China’s trade ceramics at a seminal moment when prohibitions on Chinese maritime trading, instituted by the Ming government of China, were in effect. Amongst Southeast Asian trade ceramics, Thai celadons and Vietnamese blue-and-white ceramics stand out in terms of sheer numbers. Traces of their legacy are found all along the coastline of the Persian Gulf in West Asia, the regions of the Indian Ocean in South Asia, the islands of Southeast Asia as well as Japan. Two categories of ceramics from Thailand, selected from among the collections of the archival repository of the Graduate Institute of Art History (GIAH), are presented in this exhibition. They portray one aspect of the rise of Southeast Asia trade ceramics—that of Thai high-fired wares. Production of high-fired ceramics in Thailand during the 15th c. was concentrated primarily in central Thailand, corresponding to today’s Sukhothai (Fig. 1) and Si Satchanalai (Fig. 2), both of which produced for the export market, as well as in northern Thailand, at Kalong and Sankampaeng.

The first category of Thai high-fired ceramics in this exhibition comprises a large celadon dish whose glaze characteristics links it to the kilns at Si Satchanalai, Thailand’s most important kiln site for export celadons. The vessel, being slightly warped, is of an uneven height and is likely to have been a kiln reject. It exhibits a flared rim, a densely-textured clay body, and a circular black firing scar visible within the interior of the foot rim. The center of the dish and its inner wall are separately decorated, with an incised open flower decoration in the center and a series of lotus petals along the inner wall. Apart from the base and the foot rim itself, the entire body is coated with a layer of celadon glaze. From the shape and form of the dish and the composition and motif of its decoration, it obviously bears close associations with the widely admired celadon wares of the Longquan kilns in China of the same time (Fig. 3). As Thai celadon glazes were particularly glassy and translucent, the decorative effect of the pooled glaze within the incised designs is clearly distinguished. Thai potters were adept at taking advantage of the glaze characteristics and developed highly original works as a result.The Ko Khram shipwreck off the coast of Thailamd, dated to the first half of the 15th c., has yielded a number of similar celadon wares (Fig. 4). By extrapolation, we are able to determine that the celadon in the GIAH’s collection exhibited here is also a product of the 15th century.

The second category of Thai high-fired ceramics in this exhibition comprise a group of iron-decorated ceramic shards from the important Sukhothai and Kalong kiln sites. Thailand’s iron-decorated wares share close affinities with Chinese and Vietnamese blue-and-white wares, even while possessing their own characteristics. Because the clay material in the area of the Sukothai kilns was high in impurities, a layer of white slip was often applied onto the clay body prior to painting standard representations of flowers, leaves and fish onto the vessel using iron-rich pigments. Meanwhile, at the Kalong kilns, the potters were especially adept at brushwork and could produce designs in single, uninterrupted brush strokes that still managed to exhibit contours of varying thickness. Fish themes, floral and foliate designs, birds in flight and flowers with upturned, radiating petals were all common motifs.


Map High-fired ware kiln sites of Thailand


Fig. 1 View of the ruins of a Sukhothai kiln site (Thailand)
Image from Thanyakarn Wong-on, Dawn Rooney, Sukhothai and Si Satchanalai ceramics: inspiration and realization, Bangkok: Thanombutra School, 2012, p.16.

泰國Si Satchanalai窯址窯爐遺跡

Fig. 2 View of the ruins of a Si Satchanalai kiln site (Thailand)
Image from Thanyakarn Wong-on, Dawn Rooney, Sukhothai and Si Satchanalai ceramics: inspiration and realization, Bangkok: Thanombutra School, 2012, p.16.

口徑40.1公分 高8.8公分

Fig. 3 A Yuan dynasty Longquan celadon dish salvaged from the Sinan shipwreck
D: 40.1cm H: 8.8cm
Image from Munhwajae-ch'ŏng and Cultural Heritage Administration and National Maritime Museum, Sinansŏn: The Shinan wreck, Taejŏn: Cultural Heritage Administration and National Maritime Museum, 2006, Plate 148, p.155.

Ko Khram沈船出水Si Satchanalai青瓷盤 口徑28公分 高9公分

Fig. 4 A Si Satchanalai celadon dish salvaged from the Ko Khram shipwreck D: 28cm H: 9cm
Image from Roxanna Brown, The Ming Gap and Shipwreck Ceramics in Southeast Asia: Towards a Chronology of Thai Trade Ware, Bangkok: Siam Society, 2009, Plate 38, p.121.


長44.5 寬38 高34 (公分)
長30 寬5.5 (公分)
長10.5 寬8.7 高4.6 (公分)
直徑15.2 高13.5 (公分)

The NTU Museums’ special exhibition displays Southeast Asian and Oceanic collections
from about 20 countries or areas


01 日本 Japan 12 新幾內亞 New Guinea
02 中國 China 13 澳大利亞 Australia
03 馬紹爾 Marshall 14 臺灣 Taiwan
04 斐濟 Fuji 15 泰國 Thailand
05 帛琉 Palau 16 密克羅尼西亞 Micronesia
06 薩摩亞 Samoa 17 北馬里亞納 Northern Mariana
07 索羅門 Solomon 18 越南 Vietnam
08 菲律賓 Philippine 19 新喀里多尼亞 New Caledonia
09 緬甸 Myanmar 20 萬那杜 Vanuatu
10 印尼(西巴布亞、爪哇) Indonesia 21 法屬印度支那 French Indochina
11 馬來西亞 Malaysia

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